Richard Emmons first business was selling candy bars to his elementary school classmates during the lunch hour when he was 12. Sadly, his thriving business got shut down by a government official, his teacher.
Today, Richard is the Publisher and Editor of the Oregon Eagle, the community newspaper and discussion forum for local and Oregon news. The Oregon Eagle - Rogue Valley Edition is published six times per year with additional editions planned for the future. The Oregon Eagle offers readers news and commentary on important local, Oregon and national news, health, and even Sudoku puzzles and riddles. The Eagle News Forum offers a private, safe and moderated discussion forum for local daily news and events. Richard also sends out "Eagle News Updates" by email during the week. The Oregon Eagle was founded in 2021 as the Josephine County Eagle. In 2024, The Eagle expanded into Jackson County and Curry County.
For local businesses, the Eagle offers a way to make more sales and gain new customers. Now you can advertise your products and services to Eagle readers throughout the Rogue Valley: Josephine County, Jackson County and Curry County. You'll also support the work of the Eagle. Together, we can make Oregon a better place to live for us today and for future generations.
Learn more at https://oregoneagle.com/.
Now let’s learn about what happened in the 50 years in between....
Richard attended the U.S. Naval Academy for two years, realized life as a naval officer would not float his boat, so he moved back to California to graduate from California State University Fullerton with a business/accounting degree.
Richard began his career in corporate finance and became the controller of a Weyerhaeuser subsidiary at age 28. Two years later he helped spinoff this company in a leveraged buy-out. As the Chief Financial Officer, he oversaw accounting, administration, and IT.
Richard has over 30 years of senior management experience in many industries including financial services, real estate, relocation services, banking, nonprofits, research and development, and light manufacturing. His sales experience includes business-to-business direct sales and door-to-door selling to homeowners and businesses.
Since 2006, Richard has helped local business owners and professionals grow and prosper through his books, coaching, and marketing consulting services.

Richard has been a member of his local chamber of commerce since 2006.
In 2014, Richard was named “Man of the Year” by the Grants Pass and Josephine County Chamber of Commerce for his community involvement and business activities.
The Oregon Eagle is a member of the Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce and the Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce located in Cave Junction, Oregon.

Richard hosts the Ron Paul Homeschooling Podcast which covers the self-taught, video-based courses of the Ron Paul Curriculum. Richard and his wife homeschooled their four daughters for 19 years. Richard coached homeschool speech and debate for 7 years.
In 2016, Richard created the Launch Your Business course for the Ron Paul Curriculum. In 180 self-paced, video-based lessons, “Mr. Emmons” teaches high school students about the world of business, gain many valuable business skills and how to launch a business during or following their high school years.
In 2012, Richard served as founding president of Rogue Valley Networking Toastmasters. In June of 2020, Richard earned the Distinguished Toastmaster award. Richard has served as a board member of the Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission since 2000.
Richard enjoys living in Southern Oregon with his wife and family.