Marketing Success with “Free” Products
In this short video, I review Chris Anderson’s new book: “Free: The Future of a Radical Price.”
Author Chris Anderson makes the case that businesses can often raise profits by giving away quality content.
Financial advisors and other professionals can atract quality prospects by giving away valuable content to qualified prospects. This can be through free reports, community seminars, and articles.
Just remember that your TIME is limited and there are only so many hours in a day.
You can give away lots of free products, such as free reports, and use very little time each day. Free info on your website takes ZERO hours per day once it is set up. Dropping a free written reports takes only a few minutes to write out the address and apply a stamp.
However, when you give away your time, you should try to talk to lots of people at the same time. You can do this by hosting community seminars and speaking on radio shows.