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No More Fax Machine

fax machineYou can eliminate a lot of paperwork by replacing your fax machine with an online fax service.

One of my clients has used the Metro Hi Speed fax service for several years. He and his staff love it.

For $25.90 per month he has all his incoming faxes sent via e-mail to his receptionist’s Outlook in-box. During the day, the receptionist routes the faxes to the recipients and attaches client related faxes to the client contact record inside Act! He kept his local fax number so his business cards and letterhead didn’t need to be reprinted.

His “faxes” now are really just e-mails with PDF attachments. You can do the same thing and dump your fax machine.

Because your faxes are already digitized, your service assistant can forward important fazes to you wherever you happen to be. And then attach them to the client record in Act! or Goldmine for future reference.

You can also send outgoing faxes from within Metro Hi Speed. This client uses his main copier/printer/fax machine for outgoing faxes. Click here to find out more about MetroFax.

Of course, you can choose to print them out and stick the pages in client folders. At least you’ve taken the first step toward a paperless office!

Compliance Caveat: Rather than investigate these online fax options yourself, consider giving your compliance officer a call. Your broker/dealer may already have a list of approved Fax Server and online fax solution providers for you to choose from. This will save you valuable time AND make a few points with your compliance officer. Why wait to speak to him when you need an advertisement approved?

Eliminating paper faxes is a big first step toward a paperless office and will save you time from day 1.
